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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Champagne batter onion rings

In article >,
"Cheryl" > wrote:

> Same way as beer batter, but different flavor. I didn't add any flavoring
> to the batter other than salt and pepper, and only salted them while they
> drained.
> I've tried making battered fried onion rings before, but the batter always
> tended to fall off in the oil while frying. These turned out beautifully
> and so flavorful!
> Amounts are approximate; I never really measure.
> 1-1/2 cups flour
> 2 eggs (recipe called for just egg yolks, but I used the whole egg)
> tsp salt
> tsp fresh ground pepper
> tblsp oil
> Oil for frying, or deep fry
> Mix and slowly pour in up to 1 cup champagne while stirring and keeping
> clumps from forming.
> Refrigerate for 3 hours.
> Dip slices of onion (I used small sweet onions) in the batter and fry in hot
> oil. Don't try to turn for at least 7 minutes to let batter set. Continue
> frying until the other side is evenly browned. Drain on paper towels and
> lightly salt while hot if desired.
> I tried this batter with sliced chicken and it was yummy, too. Doesn't meet
> my low cholesterol diet, but hey, we all need to fudge it sometimes.

Neat idea. I'd given up on batter due to the very reasons you mentioned.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.