Res: Easy Pepper Jack Chicken
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> Good point, Bubba. Tomorrow is April 1 (Alex rest your soul,
> Row-behr-to), and I'm still dragging my feet on putting away my winter
> hats in favor of my spring hats. The weather is still crappy here and
> it feels more like winter than spring. Phooey!
I cleaned the hot tub out to ready it fresh for Masters guests next
week, and planted some flowers I bought yesterday. There is so much
pollen floating about that everything is dusted yellow.
ObFood- dinner tonight to be leftover grilled flank steak, some fresh
made "crash hot potatoes" and about 2 pounds of asparagus the SO
purchased and it has been staring at me a few days. I'll probably cut it
up and saute it in olive oil, salt and pepper.