Thread: Sloppy Joes
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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Posts: 7,545
Default <[email protected]> was Sloppy Joes

In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> In article >, "Doofus" >
> wrote:
> > I want a recipe for Sloppy Joes, so post one right now.

> Sure. Here you go:

So I looked up >". It's an Email address for when you
need an Email address but don't want to give one. Evidently, it passes
the tests for being an Email account, but it really isn't.

Some people, like the poster above, are using it to post junk to this
group. I killfiled this address, but I'm wondering if that was a good
idea. It seems like there might be a couple of legitimate posters using
this address.

The other thing I've noticed is that people are setting up Email
accounts with Gmail, yahoo and hotmail as Spamtraps. They are in fact
legitimate accounts, but the people who own them either don't read them,
or seldom read them.

What are other people doing?

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA