Thread: Sloppy Joes
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Dora Dora is offline
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Default <[email protected]> was Sloppy Joes

Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>> In article >, "Doofus" >
>> wrote:
>>> I want a recipe for Sloppy Joes, so post one right now.

>> Sure. Here you go:

> So I looked up >". It's an Email address for when you
> need an Email address but don't want to give one. Evidently, it
> passes the tests for being an Email account, but it really isn't.
> Some people, like the poster above, are using it to post junk to this
> group. I killfiled this address, but I'm wondering if that was a good
> idea. It seems like there might be a couple of legitimate posters
> using this address.
> The other thing I've noticed is that people are setting up Email
> accounts with Gmail, yahoo and hotmail as Spamtraps. They are in fact
> legitimate accounts, but the people who own them either don't read
> them, or seldom read them.
> What are other people doing?

I use yahoo for newsgroups, as opposed to my regular personal e-mail
address. I do read it quite frequently and it does serve the purpose
of staying a little bit incognito. At least for me, yahoo does a pretty
good filtration of spam. I am rich, however, from all the Irish, UK and
Nigerian lotteries I've been told I've won. If you want to share, just
send me $2,000 and we can split.
