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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 3,342
Default What can I cook for less than $5???

Dan Abel > wrote:

> Not to me. Was there something in that first post in this thread that
> would have alerted a casual reader to the fact that it was a malicious
> troll?

Yes, the crossposting to an obviously unrelevant newsgroup. Here is a
screenshot of that post in the article window of my newsreader:
<>. See the crossposting?

> Like Serene, I'm human, and I miss a few, but I seldom crosspost.

Hopefully, most of those who post on rfc are human rather than bots.
That is why good newsreaders that warn humans of such things as possibly
unintended crosspostings should be used. Not so coincidentally, this
was one of the two main points of my original followup in the thread.
We seem to be going round in circles now.

ObCircles: O Circle Martini recipe, from


O Circle Martini recipe

1 1/2 oz Bacardi orange rum
1/2 oz Amaretto Di Saronno liqueur
1 splash cream

Shake ingredients with ice, strain and serve into a chilled martini
glass. Garnish with a twist of orange.