Priority Parking at the Grocer
On Tue 31 Mar 2009 05:53:53p, Dimitri told us...
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 5.247...
>> On Tue 31 Mar 2009 02:35:28p, Pennyaline told us...
>>> Dan Abel wrote:
>>>> In article >,
>>>> Kathleen > wrote:
>>>>> And that's great. But not every pregnancy is easy. I had horrible
>>>>> sciatica in the third trimester with both of my pregnancies.
>>>>> Walking more than a few steps felt like having lightning run to
>>>>> ground through my right leg. I mostly tried not to shop at all - my
>>>>> husband really stepped up - but when I absolutely had to, I was
>>>>> incredibly grateful for things like preferential parking, and the
>>>>> option of having the bagger at the grocery store help me load my
>>>>> purchases into the van.
>>>> That's why they have handicapped spots. Did you ask your doctor for
>>>> a handicapped placard?
>>> Pregnancy isn't a disability unless there's a medical condition during
>>> or related to it that doesn't allow the pregnant woman to work.
>>> Pregnancy is a generally obvious condition with generally obvious
>>> effects, the most obvious of which is the significant growth of a
>>> second person inside the body of the first. There are both advantages
>>> and disadvantages to that, and it is usually during the third
>>> trimester that the disadvantages become the most pressing. I've always
>>> believed that widely held beliefs and mythologies about pregnancy and
>>> childbirth would vanish instantly if men were also expected to carry
>>> pregnancies uncomplainingly to term.
>>> But seriously, Dan, you are either winding us up or the most unfeeling
>>> person in the group.
>> Many women are unhindered by their pregnancies and continue to work
>> right up until the last several days before giving birth. AFAIC, if
>> they can work and move about in an office complex with no difficulty,
> And just how do you tell if they are move without difficulty? Not all
> women complain about being pregnant that does not mean they are not
> having difficulty. Some women work because they can't sit at home & go
> nuts. Working is a great diversion and some people simply need the money
> so they put up with their discomfort....
> Come on you're smarter than that...
> Dimitri
I'm not asking to be the judge, Dimitri. I would expect a pregnant woman
to have sense enough to request whatever special accomodations she needs.
I wouldn't question it.
A co-worker of mine has severe RA, yet doesn't give into it and those who
don't know about it would not know by watching this person in their job. I
have suggested several times that they get a disability placard for their
car, but they would rather not.
I believe people should do what they need to do.
My point is that some pregnant women need special accomodation and some do
not. Those who do should have a disaability placard and use those spaces.
I don't believe that the spaces dedicated to pregnant women are necessarily
used fairly.
Wayne Boatwright
"One man's meat is another man's poison"
- Oswald Dykes, English writer, 1709.