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Wayne Boatwright[_4_] Wayne Boatwright[_4_] is offline
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Default question re containers slightly off topic

On Tue 31 Mar 2009 08:24:49p, phil..c told us...

> Pete C. wrote:
>> "phil..c" wrote:
>>> In the states do they have deposits on returnable containers
>>> such as drink bottles large glass and recyclable plastic containers ?
>>> Here in oz only one state (SA) has such
>>> it appears I have been drafted to a committee for our state to
>>> investigate reintroduction of such a plan.
>>> The more I look into it the more sense it at first look makes
>>> Cheers
>>> P

>> It varies from state to state.

> can you indicate which states in USA have it please

You might find it somewhere on the Internet, but I think it would be
difficult for anyone here to give you a definitive answer. There are 50
states in the US. Some states have no bottle deposits and some do. In
addition, it depends, by state, as to which kinds of beverages and bottles
have deposits. There is currently legislation pending in various states
that would increase the scope of what type of bottles should have deposits.
There are differences between bottles containing carbonated and non-
carbonated beverages, as well as bottle material; e.g., glass or plastic.

Wayne Boatwright

"One man's meat is another man's poison"
- Oswald Dykes, English writer, 1709.