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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Priority Parking at the Grocer

"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>> Most doctors today will validate handicapped parking applications for a
>> hangnail, it's no skin off their nose and they don't want to get sued.

> CT is going to crack down on that. Doctors will sign off and give their
> license number on the application and they will be logged so trends or
> abuse can be spotted.

Doctors already give their MD license number on the application, always
have. I doubt CT will succeed in such stupidity, no politician is going to
jeapardize their political career second guessing MDs... I mean most small
town politicians only have a High School diploma, maybe only a GED.
Handicap stickers aren't permanent anyway.... initially doctors usually give
a six month provisional and thereafter the term in most states is for three
years, and can be withdrawn at any time. I've no idea why anyone would want
to deny someone handicapped parking, that just demonstrates extreme
ignorance, I mean like the most extreme ignorance possible, we're talkin'
Pinhead City here. There aren't nearly enough handicapped parking spaces
now. The strip mall where the supermarket is located where I shop in town
has well over 500 parking spots, only six spots are designated
handicapped... my bank only has one, same for my post office. When I drive
to the new Lowes there has to be at least 1,000 parking spots in that huge
lot, there are maybe 20 handicapped spots... and it's pretty much the same
all over... even the Walmart Superstore near where I live must have 2,000
parking spots but hasn't more then 25 handicapped spots. And the vast
majority who have the tags and are legitimately handicapped don't park in
the designated spots anyway... so wtf are you talking about cracking down,
what's to crack down, maybe if they had testicales CT politicos would crack
down on crack dealers, CT ain't anywhere near No.1 on the safefest state to
live list. Maybe next thing CT politicians will dare is try to close down
VA hospitals. I know one thing about CT, their state troopers are the most
cowardly wusses in all New England, always have been... real good at hiding
behind the bushes watching for grandmas doing 60 in a 55, but they're
ascared shitless of the truckers doing 80, because the trucking companies
have CT politicos in their back pocket... the cops in the big hats are told
to leave the trucks be. But the CT politicos ain't ascared of the cripples.
LOL I've driven more miles on the CT TrnPke since1958 than most folks whose
home is in CT, I know of what I speak. CT has only two VA hospitals, not
nearly enough for so populous a state, folks there need to be very ashamed: