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Becca Becca is offline
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Default Priority Parking at the Grocer

Grandma never learned how to drive, so after grandpa died, my sister or
I would take her to the supermarket. I would drop her off at the door
and grandma would hang on to the car door, until she reached for the
brick pillars in front of the store, then she would hang onto that until
she could reach a shopping basket, then she would lean on that as she
shopped. <sigh> How do you tell grandma she is old? I couldn't, so, we
obtained a handicapped parking permit. I would park the car, then I
would bring her a shopping basket. I did not feel comfortable with
grandma hanging on the a brick wall, like a Spiderman wannabe, knowing
she could topple over at any minute, while I parked the car.

She refused to use a cane or a walker because it would make her look
old. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant and one of the assisted
living centers had a large table full of elderly residents. She
commented about how old they looked, but at the age of 94, I think she
was the oldest person in the room. lol She thought she looked much
younger and of course I agreed with her. Even when she was in her 90's,
grandma was a lovely woman who had the prettiest legs. I miss her.
