Priority Parking at the Grocer (was: Express Checkout)
"Boron Elgar" wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 16:20:41 +1100, David
> > wrote:
>>In article >,
>> Kathleen > wrote:
>> I have no problems
>>> > with that at all. I *do* have a problem for preferred parking for
>>> > just
>>> > "people with children" etc. It's not right IMO
>>I wonder if you have ever had to try and hold tight to three
>>pre-schoolers, whilst pushing a shopping cart, holding on to your purse,
>>surounded by idiots who treat the parking lot like a F1 racetrack.
> You are correct, and it goes even further, of course...I am just
> tagging on here, David.
> And now, I am about to climb up on a very tall soap box, AND use a
> mike.....
> The spaces provided by groceries and other stores for the convenience
> of pregnant women or those with young children in tow are quite
> different from handicapped spaces. The former are provided on private
> property for the convenience of customers whom the store wishes to
> encourage to shop there, the latter are provided according to laws to
> enable the handicapped to shop most anywhere.
> Private facilities are entitled to offer customer incentives. Period.
> Their couponing, cash or discount rewards, special sales, additional
> hours to take advantage of sales, etc, are part of their business
> plans to encourage some segment of their customers and potential
> customers with convenience and benefits.
> This absolutely idiotic whining about a few special parking places is
> a poorly disguised, and yet typical these days, jab at those who
> decide to have families. "It's not right" is a perfect example of what
> I mean. Of course it's right. It's a company catering to its clientele
> and unless all this moaning and raised hackles are going to be
> equally instigated for every frequent flier program, discount, free
> shipping if you spend $100+or good customer privilege any and all
> companies offer, then I say stuff a sock in it. And stay out of the
> express line, too. You don't like it? Go shop someplace that caters to
> the child free. Can't find a place? Tough shift. Really.
> People are so ****ing jealous that anyone else - *especially* a parent
> or pregnant woman - gets *any* benefit or courtesy, however minor,
> even one that is so "no skin off my nose" as half dozen parking
> places, that it really shows how perfectly idiotic they are.
> Any company worth its salt knows that it is cheaper and easier to keep
> a current customer happy than it is to go out and drum up a new one.
> That is what marketing is all about. There isn't a company out there
> that doesn't do it in some way. Why single out a few parking spaces?
> These stores know who's spending the bucks and they want to encourage
> these spenders. This isn't the Big Government leaning over your
> shoulder, it's plain old Marketing 101. Suck it up.
There's nothing abnormal about children except in your mind and others
similarly feeble minded. Unless one has a truly handicapped child in tow
they can damn well park like everyone else... for the amount of folks I see
shopping with children half the spots would need to be designated for those
with infants and todlers... with even a hundred toddler spots in front of
Walmart there'd be armed warfare over who parks where. And any parent who
can't manage their rug rats can damn well leave them in someones care while
they shop instead of thrusting them on us who don't thrust our inadaquacies
and ineptitudes on all of yoose... or get yer gonads surgically excised.
Has nothing to do with marketing (what an ignoranus rationalization), has
all to do with discrimination... will it never end? To normal folks with
normal children designated toddler parking would be viewed as extremely
offensive, shouts you're an UNFIT parent! I want "Parasite Parking" for the
non productive, in Siberia. You suck it up.
And look at your shit you left behind, learn to trim attributions, lazy