Priority Parking at the Grocer
Andy wrote:
> Having to drink a cappuccino out of a styrofoam cup just wreaks of low
> class.
Yes sir. It seems pointless to pay a premium price for a good cup of
coffee in paper or foam cups.
> Twice I've had Starbucks coffee and twice it sucked!!! Drunkin' Donuts,
> down the block, has better coffee at less than half the price.
I don't mind Starbucks coffee, but it is expensive. The smallest size
they sell is more than a large at Tim Hortons, and Horton's coffee is
pretty good. I can get a medium coffee and a donut at Hortons for $2.17
but it is close to $4 for coffee and anything at Starbucks. Horton's
usually has a time limit for people at tables, not that I have ever been
kicked out for loitering too long, but it does prevent them from
becoming hangouts for obnoxious teens, and there is always a place to
sit. But then, even the smaller Hortons outlets have more seating than
even the larger Starbucks stores.