Priority Parking at the Grocer
"Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
> "George Shirley" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Tue 31 Mar 2009 02:25:22p, Paul M. Cook told us...
>>>> "Bob Terwilliger" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> Steve wrote:
>>>>>> Our grocery chain has not only handicap parking spots (required by
>>>>>> law, of course), but about 8 spaces near the front of the store for
>>>>>> "Customers With Children".
>>>>>> Those spaces should be a free for all, IMO.
>>>>> So park there. Do you really think a store would enforce that policy
>>>>> to
>>>>> the point of towing their customers' vehicles?
>>>> My local store has a Starbucks inside. Outside are two prime parking
>>>> spaces, wider than usual and as close as the handicap spots. There is
>>>> a
>>>> sign that says "Reserved for Starbucks Customers ONLY." I park in them
>>>> ever chance I get. So far, no tow trucks.
>>>> Paul
>>> It's doubtful they would tow you. Essentially, they are meant for short
>>> term parking only. We have the same here. We also have some close
>>> parking spaces that are specifically labeled 15 minute parking only.
>>> From what I've observed, most people seem to comply. There is a
>>> Starbucks inside the Safeway where I often shop, and they have "Starbuck
>>> spaces". I usually buy a beverage from them while shopping, so I feel
>>> perfectly in my right to park there and also do my general shopping,
>>> though I know that wasn't the original intent.
>> I hate to one-up you folks but I can uncategorically state that I have
>> never, ever been in a Starbucks nor do I ever intend to go into one. I
>> only drink Louisiana's national coffee, Community, and only the dark
>> roast variety with no other additives, no sugar, no milk, no froth, none
>> of the frou-frou that goes with "coffee" today. So there! Hah!
> I tried one cup years ago to see what it was like. It sucked. I tossed
> half away as I just could not finish that dreck. It tasted like good
> coffee that had been boiled. Once one is used to good coffee you just
> can't drink the garbage Starschmucks sells.
> Paul
I've never been to a Starputz. In fact it's extremely rare I've ordered
coffee out, I think the last time was when I lived in CA and met friends for
brunch at the Beverly Hills Hilton... even their coffee sucked... and at the
time ran like $10 a tiny cup (that was like 1965). During the days I
traveled a lot and stayed at H/Motels I brought my own little 'lectric
perculator and coffee grounds, etc., I wouldn't even bother with their free
in-room crapola. It's been more than 40 years since I've had coffee at any
eatery. And for what restaurants charge for coffee these days I may as well
order a 2ni.