Really, really fine-grind peppermill?
On Apr 1, 12:50*pm, Terry > wrote:
> Dear foodites (foodies? *foodalls? *whatever...)
> My taste in black pepper runs to an extremely fine grind. *I abhor
> chunks of pepper. *Sorry.... that's my taste and I'm sticking to it.
> Probably harks back to my childhood, when we got that cheap salami
> that had whole peppercorns in it. *Biting into one of those chunks was
> UnGood Eats.
> Anyway... I'd like to get a peppermill that produces a uniform dust,
> if possible. *As fine as popcorn salt would be acceptable. *I don't
> know what I'm looking for...but one or more of you good folk probably
> does...
> Best -- Terry
I had an abundance of peppercorns and put some in my electric coffee
grinder which I reserve for spices. ( I have two coffee grinders -
one was a gift) I was surprised at the nice, fine grind. No more
ready ground pepper for THIS kid. I understand ya git more than jus'
pepper in the bougt'n pepper.