In article >,
Dave Smith > wrote:
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> >
> >> My local store has a Starbucks inside. Outside are two prime parking
> >> spaces, wider than usual and as close as the handicap spots. There is a
> >> sign that says "Reserved for Starbucks Customers ONLY." I park in them
> >> ever chance I get. So far, no tow trucks.
> >>
> >> Paul
> >
> > It's doubtful they would tow you. Essentially, they are meant for short
> > term parking only.
> There has to be more than a little irony there. Starbucks patrons are
> notorious for loitering, sitting at a table fore hours at a time,
> drinking one coffee while reading or using their laptop to type the next
> great American novel. It is odd that they would expect their customers
> to have special short term parking but not object to them hogging the
> tables.
We have a Starbucks in our local grocery. There are *no* tables or
chairs in the store. I think there's one bench, rather uncomfortable
and right next to the door. I think it is intended for people waiting
for their taxi or other ride. There are a couple of benches outside and
around the corner, mostly used by employees on their smoke break. I
wouldn't be surprised to see a couple of parking spots grabbed away for
this. That's fine. I'm sure that the intended use is people getting a
cup "to go". There is a Starbucks a few blocks away for those who want
to sit for a long time. It has no drivethrough, though, and parking is
not convenient for "to go". There is, of course, another Starbucks a
mile away with a drivethough.
Just for fun, find out how many Starbucks there are within two miles of
your house:
Looks like six to me.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA