Priority Parking at the Grocer
Jinx Minx wrote:
> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> ...
>> A local woman was complaining that she cannot get a handicapped parking
>> permit. There is nothing wrong with her, but she has a kid with behaviour
>> problems. She is concerned about him getting loose between the car and the
>> stores. There was nothing in her rant about multiple kids, just the one. I
>> have to wonder how much more trouble she would have with her one unruly
>> child than other parents would have with a brood of them. Heaven forbid
>> that she not take the kid in public until he learns to behave. I have to
>> confess that there were times in my childhood that I was not allowed to go
>> somewhere because I had been acting up.
> Was this a kid with typical misbehaving problems that someday will "learn to
> behave", or a child whose behavior problems stem from having a developmental
> disorder such as autism?
As I recall the article, he was attention deficit. I don't doubt that
he may have been a handful, regardless of whether he was medically ADH
or just brat displaying the symptoms. My problem is that if you have to
have handicapped parking privileges because you have one child that
cannot behave there is no reason not to extend the same to parents with
a number of children. Surely 3-4 youngsters are as much to deal with as
one really bad one. If the kid is that bad, perhaps he should be
left at home. Lots of normal kids are when they misbehave.