Priority Parking at the Grocer
"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> brooklyn1 wrote:
>> There's nothing abnormal about children except in your mind and others
>> similarly feeble minded. Unless one has a truly handicapped child in tow
>> they can damn well park like everyone else... for the amount of folks I
>> see shopping with children half the spots would need to be designated for
>> those with infants and todlers... with even a hundred toddler spots in
>> front of Walmart there'd be armed warfare over who parks where. And any
>> parent who can't manage their rug rats can damn well leave them in
>> someones care while they shop instead of thrusting them on us who don't
>> thrust our inadaquacies and ineptitudes on all of yoose... or get yer
>> gonads surgically excised. Has nothing to do with marketing (what an
>> ignoranus rationalization), has all to do with discrimination... will it
>> never end? To normal folks with normal children designated toddler
>> parking would be viewed as extremely offensive, shouts you're an UNFIT
>> parent! I want "Parasite Parking" for the non productive, in Siberia.
>> You suck it up.
> A local woman was complaining that she cannot get a handicapped parking
> permit. There is nothing wrong with her, but she has a kid with behaviour
> problems. She is concerned about him getting loose between the car and the
> stores. There was nothing in her rant about multiple kids, just the one. I
> have to wonder how much more trouble she would have with her one unruly
> child than other parents would have with a brood of them. Heaven forbid
> that she not take the kid in public until he learns to behave. I have to
> confess that there were times in my childhood that I was not allowed to go
> somewhere because I had been acting up.
If the kid truly has psychological behavoral issues all the parent need do
is get a psychological evaluation and if the psychiatrist's findings
indicate a handicap then a parking sticker will be issued. Problem is
parents are ascared it's them who will be discovered are psychologically
imbalanced, not the kid, and a psychiatrist can easily have the DMV pull the
drivers licence and then recommend social services place the kid in foster
care. And if the kid really does have behavoral issues normal parents are
loathe to have the authorities know unnecessarilly, like the school
district, because then the kid will be labeled for life. No sane parent
wants to be issued a handicaped sticker because of their kid's behavior
and/or their parenting skills. By the same token no sane parent would ever
choose to park in a voluntary "toddler space" (or however termed) because to
do so will definitely be interpreted that this parent has mental issues that
interfere with proper parenting skills... and proper parenting skills means
one does not bring young children into inappropriate situations... and any
parent who brings three rug rats into a public place without assistance is
indeed one with improper parenting skills.
Having a parking spot near the store entrance will in no way alter how a kid
without boundries and/or an out of control parent behaves inside the store.
So I see no purpose whatsoever for toddler parking spots except to satisfy
the ennui of certain shit stirring agitators who have no life. Someone
please explain to me how a parking spot near the exterior of an entrance has
any bearing on the behaviour of inept wackos once within the interior of an
entrance... I mean is the entrance to a business like some sort of sci fi
portal whereas folks entering are automatically tranquilized by little green
beasties with purple penises and bi-polar lasers. <G>
Ahahahahahahahaha. . . .