Priority Parking at the Grocer
Dan Abel wrote:
> We have a Starbucks in our local grocery. There are *no* tables or
> chairs in the store. I think there's one bench, rather uncomfortable
> and right next to the door. I think it is intended for people waiting
> for their taxi or other ride. There are a couple of benches outside and
> around the corner, mostly used by employees on their smoke break. I
> wouldn't be surprised to see a couple of parking spots grabbed away for
> this. That's fine. I'm sure that the intended use is people getting a
> cup "to go". There is a Starbucks a few blocks away for those who want
> to sit for a long time. It has no drivethrough, though, and parking is
> not convenient for "to go". There is, of course, another Starbucks a
> mile away with a drivethough.
> Just for fun, find out how many Starbucks there are within two miles of
> your house:
> Looks like six to me.
Starbucks is not as well entrenched around here as it is in other
places. This is Tom Hortons country. There are three Hortons outlets in
my town of 15,000. There are three Starbucks in this area, none of
them closer than 12 miles.