Priority Parking at the Grocer
"Dave Smith" wrote:
> brooklyn1 wrote:
>> If the kid truly has psychological behavoral issues all the parent need
>> do is get a psychological evaluation and if the psychiatrist's findings
>> indicate a handicap then a parking sticker will be issued.
> Nope. The government people who hand out the disable parking permits uses
> this definition : Anyone who is unable to walk unassisted more than 200
> meters (218 yards) without serious difficulty or danger to safety or
> health and is certified as such by a licensed Physician, Chiropractor,
> Osteopathic Physician, or Occupational Therapist, is eligible for the
> permit.
You'll have to show me... maybe you don't live in the US. Handicapped
parking permits are issued by state, county, and town. In NY after the MD
approves the application (based solely on professional opinion, and nowhere
on the application is the nature of the disability listed - under Federal
Law that info comes under patient-doctor confidentiality... the MD's sayso
is all that's required) it's the Town Clerk of the town where the applicant
resides who issues the tag... and it must be approved by an MD (or a DO), a
Chiropractor and an Occupational Therapist are not medical doctors.