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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Killed Da Wabbit !!! (was: something else)

In article >,
Mark Thorson > wrote:

> Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
> >
> > I have never, nor would I ever unless faced with starvation, eat dog.

> I sure would. It's on my list of stuff I've got
> to eat before I die. Ahead of ortolan, behind whale.
> I finally killed the rabbit in my garage today!
> I thought it was gone, because I hadn't seen it
> for several weeks. I got some ultrasonic critter
> repeller devices which I thought were frauds but
> this web site convinced me they might be worth
> trying.
> Did not work for rats and gophers. Seemed to
> work on the rabbit until last week, when I noticed
> it was back. Put a trap in the hole-in-the-wall
> it was using to get in. The trap was tripped twice
> with no result. Three's the charm. Big guy, for
> a wild rabbit. Normally, they're small. This one
> I estimate at three pounds. I tossed it where
> scavengers routinely pick up dead bodies. They'll
> probably be a happy coyote tonight.

Why didn't you eat it? Takes less than 5 minutes to dress out a bunny.
They are very easy to skin.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.