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Default Heck we still have one of these mixmasters

"<RJ>" > wrote:
> My Moms Sunbeam Mixmaster ( ca 1950s )
> was a workhorse in the kitchen. It performed flawlessly,
> automatically spinning the bowl, and mixing right to the edge.

> My wife bought her Sunbeam in the 1970's.
> It looked the same, but whatta piece of crap.

I had the same experiences. Remembering my mothers workhorse
Mixmaster I bought one in the 1970s for my wife and myself.
It was junk.

> Too bad... because the choice of mixers on the market
> is pretty much the ( overpriced ) KitchenAid.... and not much else.

Well, apparently somebody at Sunbeam got a clue because they
now have a Mixmaster "Heritage" model that is metal bodied
and styled more like the old ones. I have read some good
reviews, and I'm tempted, but have not gotten one yet.

If anyone else has, or gets one, please let RFC know how it

Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.