My April Fool's Day dog eating post
In article >,
"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote:
> Bryan wrote:
> > I was just trying to make a funny. I thought, well, people on this NG
> > know that I'm not particularly fond of dogs, so they might actually
> > believe that I had eaten dog. Turns out the reason my story was
> > believable is because quite a few folks here have actually eaten dog.
> I hadn't read Usenet for several days, but when Lin told me about the thread
> yesterday, my immediate reaction was, "Oh, it's an April Fool's Day joke!"
> Fell a little flat with me because I had to bring my dog to the vet to be
> euthanized that same day.
> Bob
Condolences Bob. Been there, done that. :-(
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.