Worst food to eat
Peachie1 wrote:
> "cshenk" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "blake murphy" wrote
>>> phaeton wrote:
>>>> Every year, round X-giving time, i mention that i don't like them, and
>>>> someone always says "oh, because you haven't had them the way -I- make
>>>> them!! Nobody knows the RIGHT WAY. I know the right way to do them,
>>>> and
>>>> you will love them I promise!".
>>> <snort>
>> Same here. Not sweet poatoes though which I can tolerate (like my own
>> version best) but 2 other items. Cant abide liver (have 1 recipe only
>> which I think is 'ok' and it's chicken livers in small amounts). I
>> can manage brown rice, but don't really like it and the family refuses
>> to eat it.
> Like chicken livers, but keep catfish. That's another one that everyone
> says 'oh, you never had it the way _I_ make it! You will love it!!
> Wellsir, no I don't.
> I'm a grown-up now and I don't have to eat what I don't like
> Peaches in Rowlett Tx
True. I love catfish though. :-)
Jean B.