In article >,
"Dimitri" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news
> > For me, it's a toss up between Asparagus and Artichokes.
> > Followed by Swiss Chard, Spinach and Bok Choy.
> >
> > I love leafy greens! Must have been a bunny in a past life. :-)
> > --
> > Peace! Om
> There is little question:
> The potato!
> You can;
> Boil
> Bake
> Fry
> Sauté
> Nuke
> Stuff
> Make a salad all kinds of salads
> Boil & fry
> Bake & fry
> Make soup
> Make Chowder
> Au Gratin
> Scalloped
> And about a gazillion other ways....
> ;-)
> or just eat them with salt and butter...............................
> Dimitri
<sniffs> Not if you are low carbing. :-(
The one thing I've promised myself when I get to my goal weight is a
damned baked potato! With butter and salt only. Doesn't need anything
else imho!
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.