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elaich elaich is offline
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Default Casual Carolina Menu

Mr. Bill > wrote in

> The down home Casual Carolina Menu will be our choice this year.

I'm from NC, and that doesn't look like anything I ever ate.

Here's my suggestion:

Pulled pork BBQ with Lexington style sauce
Deep fried chicken
Hush puppies
Sweet tea

Lexington Style BBQ Sauce:

8 oz. water
8 oz. ketchup
8 oz cider vinegar
1/4 cup sugar
4 tbsp. salt
2 tbsp. black pepper
2 tbsp. red pepper flakes
1 pinch cayenne pepper

Combine ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Lower heat and
simmer for a minute or two. Remove from heat and let cool. Can be used
right away, or poured into bottles and stored. Makes 2 16 oz. bottles.

Do not sauce the meat, as the meat should remain with only it's natural
juices. Sauce some cabbage slaw (not cole - no carrots) until it is red
but not dripping, and either serve it on a bun with the BBQ, or as a side
with sliced Q. Also serve a cup for dipping with above.