"pure kona" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 07:21:05 -1000, pure kona >
> wrote:
>>On Sat, 4 Apr 2009 08:30:01 -0400, "jmcquown" >
>>>Before I was born, my parents and my two brothers sailed back from Oahu
>>>the S.S. Lurline to California. I found the menu among lots of other
>>>50 years ago yesterday, here's what they served on the ocean liner for
> BTW that was the year Hawaii became a state. 1959.
> aloha,
> Cea
One thing my brother (who is here to pick up some furniture) was looking for
was the newspaper from when Hawaii became a state. (Also the one from when
Alaska became a state in 1948). My parents never threw anything away, which
is making clearing out the house rather difficult but also fun

remember them carting those newspapers all over the world with us. Funny,
once they got here apparently they threw them away. Yet they saved these
menus from the ship. Go figure. And yes, I noticed the Kona Coffee