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Cuthbert Thistlethwaite Cuthbert Thistlethwaite is offline
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Posts: 120
Default Heck we still have one of these mixmasters


> Well, apparently somebody at Sunbeam got a clue because they
> now have a Mixmaster "Heritage" model that is metal bodied
> and styled more like the old ones. I have read some good
> reviews, and I'm tempted, but have not gotten one yet.

> If anyone else has, or gets one, please let RFC know how it
> works.

My suggestions, since you're asking:

Take a close look at a new one and you will find that it is made in
china, and that there is nothing metallic about the crappy chrome-like
plastic housing.

You will be far better off hunting in antique shops for a real

Familiarize yourself with the brand by looking at sites like then go shopping.

Even a single drop of light machine oil in the oil holes will loosen up
a good unit, right in the store.

I have a 1957 model and it runs like s sewing machine.