Worst food to eat
Dora wrote:
> phaeton wrote:
>> Michael Nielsen wrote:
>>> On Apr 3, 4:54 pm, Chemo the Clown > wrote:
>>>> I hate boiled okra and aspargus. More so the boiled okra.
>>> Have you tried getting organic green asparagus, cutting off the woody
>>> end, sauteeing them slowly in butter untill tender and slightly
>>> caramelized? Serve with a nice rib eye steak.
>> Sweet Potatoes, and/or Yams. I don't care if they're two different
>> things and people always mix them up. Mom says that even as a baby
>> i'd spit them out.
>> Every year, round X-giving time, i mention that i don't like them, and
>> someone always says "oh, because you haven't had them the way -I- make
>> them!! Nobody knows the RIGHT WAY. I know the right way to do them,
>> and you will love them I promise!". And every year, I try them to be
>> fair. And every year I discover that everyone prepares them the same
>> way and I still don't like them.
>> I haven't had okra, and i didn't like lima beans as a kid. I've been
>> meaning to try lima beans again, as I might like them now.
>> -J
> LOL - my son despises sweet potatoes - he, too, has hated them since he
> was introduced to them as an infant. Forget the brown sugar, the orange
> juice, the marshmallows (ick) and forget I tried to brainwash him one
> year by telling him they were parsnips, fixed a different way. No sweet
> potatoes at his house, that's for sure.
> Dora
My daughter, now 18, hated sweet potatoes since her first
introduction too. Now, much to my surprise, she occasionally eats
a bit of them--esp. in tempura.
Jean B.