Favorite veggie?
Omelet > wrote:
> Mr. Bill > wrote:
>> On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 10:53:48 -0600, Omelet >
>> wrote:
>> >That might make an interesting thread. What do you consider to be a
>> >fruit vs. a veggie? To me, a "fruit" would be a reproductive part of
>> >the plant vs. a "vegetative" part of the plant which would mean only
>> >roots, stems and leaves...
>> That is EXACTLY the technical definition. A fruit has seeds for
>> propagation. A vegetable does not.
>> That being said, Department of Agriculture classifies a tomato as a
>> vegetable.
>How many people here would refer to any squash as a fruit? <g>
"A fruit is an ovary we eat for dessert." -- Jeffery Steingarten