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Mr. Bill[_2_] Mr. Bill[_2_] is offline
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Default Casual Carolina Menu

On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 16:57:16 -0600, Christine Dabney
> wrote:

>On Sat, 4 Apr 2009 15:49:18 -0700, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:
>>Watts Grocery Spoon Bread (I'd use all yellow cornmeal rather than the mix
>>of yellow and white. And I'd probably omit the thyme, since it's in the
>>gravy already. The recipe looks okay, but there are better and simpler
>>recipes for spoon bread.)

>Southerners tend to like white cornmeal, Bob. It was our favorite
>when I was growing up in VA.
>Yellow cornmeal is the preference of those Yankees..

Christine.....Bob is a disrespectful buffoon. My tribute menu can
be validated at Southern Living Site. None of these recipes were mine
as I indicated. This menu was published by a reputable magazine,
Southern Living, April 2009.

Bob continues to shoot the messenger. If he has problems, he must
take his comments to the Executive Chef. I am positive that Ms.
Torquist can put him in his place within moments. Ms. Torquist
remains a certified professional while Bob validates himself to be a
documented no body.

Her web site is

Bob and his lovely bride, Lin have serious unresolved issues.
Obviously, they deserve each other. Hopefully, some of their friends
can sit quietly with them and explain I am not a threat to them. Their
green eyes cast a very poor light on their shallow lives.

To their dismay, I have a kill filter that removes their vile and
profane comments. Profane words are not tolerated in our home. I
don't and will not see their comments unless they are included as a
quote from a previous message. That is the most that will happen
since I don't care what they think. feel, or believe.

I pity Bob and Lin. A prayer might help them find peace in their
bitter life.
The Fine Art of Cooking involves personal choice.
Many preferences, ingredients, and procedures may not
be consistent with what you know to be true.
As with any recipe, you may find your personal
intervention will be necessary. Bon Appétit!