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Serene Vannoy Serene Vannoy is offline
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Default Dinner. Speaking of using what you have

Cheryl wrote:
> I cooked up some bacon yesterday that had to get cooked or tossed. I
> only had a bacon sandwich, so lots of bacon to use today. Had a bag of
> spinach in the fridge, some green onions, both ready to turn if not used
> soon.
> I cooked a half box of whole wheat penne pasta, and then sautéed the
> chopped green onion with some chopped garlic in some olive oil and a
> small slice of butter. When they softened, I added the spinach,
> chopped, and let it wilt, and added the leftover bacon, chopped into
> bits. Set it all aside while I made a white sauce and added half and
> half, skim milk when it needed even more liquid, salt&fresh ground
> pepper. Once that cooked through I added about a tablespoon of tomato
> paste and a little white wine and added in the veggies and bacon, some
> parmesan cheese and mixed thoroughly. It was yummy and I have lunch
> tomorrow and another meal after that.

That sounds so good!

Yesterday, the kid cooked up (and ate!) two pounds of bacon, so I had
plenty of grease to use. I cooked up the onions for the red beans and
rice in the grease, and also threw a tablespoon into the rice before
cooking. It was yummy.

James got paid early, so we went and splurged on avocados, which are
actually quite cheap here now -- sixty-nine cents each for mediums. We
got eight of them, and James is going to make a BIG bowl of guacamole to
go with the leftover beans and rice for dinner. We also still have lots
of romaine/tomatoes/olives, so we'll have a salad along with that.


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