Dinner. Speaking of using what you have
Cheryl wrote:
> I cooked up some bacon yesterday that had to get cooked or tossed. I only
> had a bacon sandwich, so lots of bacon to use today. Had a bag of spinach
> in the fridge, some green onions, both ready to turn if not used soon.
> I cooked a half box of whole wheat penne pasta, and then sautéed the
> chopped green onion with some chopped garlic in some olive oil and a small
> slice of butter. When they softened, I added the spinach, chopped, and
> let it wilt, and added the leftover bacon, chopped into bits. Set it all
> aside while I made a white sauce and added half and half, skim milk when
> it needed even more liquid, salt&fresh ground pepper. Once that cooked
> through I added about a tablespoon of tomato paste and a little white wine
> and added in the veggies and bacon, some parmesan cheese and mixed
> thoroughly. It was yummy and I have lunch tomorrow and another meal after
> that.
Huh... with us, it was the spinach which needed to be used right away, but
we had a very similar meal. We didn't make a white sauce, just lightly
tossed the pasta (fettuccine, in our case) with olive oil and we had
toppings added at the table: sautéed spinach, crumbled bacon, grated cheese,
and sautéed sugar snap peas. There were green onions in there somewhere too,
I believe, but Lin would be the one to give the full details.