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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Favorite veggie?

Omelet wrote:
> In article
> >,
> maxine > wrote:
>> On Apr 4, 3:20 pm, Omelet > wrote:
>>> In article <x-CdnRiPK9vjFkrUnZ2dnUVZ >,
>>> "The Ranger" > wrote:
>>>> On Apr 4, 12:16 pm, Omelet > wrote:
>>>>> For me, it's a toss up between Asparagus and Artichokes.
>>>>> Followed by Swiss Chard, Spinach and Bok Choy.
>>>> Okra, spinach, zucchini, and eggplant.
>>>> The Ranger
>>> In that order? I like the first three but am going to have to give
>>> Eggplant a re-try after all the raves here. I've always disliked it.

>> It's all in how it's cooked. I never liked it plain, as my Mom served
>> it, and wasn't too crazy about the oil sponges wrapped in sand that
>> they sold in sandwiches, (Fried), but when I tried a ratatatouile, I
>> was in heaven!
>> maxine in ri

> Mm, I AM going to have to try making some Ratatouile. Preferably the
> way they made it in the movie. :-) That looks appealing.
> My sister generally makes eggplant parmesan when she cooks it. I'll have
> to get her to cook some for us if I buy the ingredients.
> I'm going over there shortly for some steak and tempura veggies for my
> Birthday. I'm providing the steaks (boneless ribeyes that are currently
> marinating) and she will provide the veggie selection. She's respecting
> my low carbing at the moment and NOT baking me any sweets. :-)
> I don't want to lose any momentum/progress, not even for my B-day!
> Just having her and Chas do the cooking is cool. I don't need anything
> else, just some family time.
> We have finally pretty much stopped going out to dinner for birthdays as
> all three of us (me, sis and the brother in law) are decent cooks and
> sooooo many restaurant foods are horribly over-salted any more. ;-(
> Plus cooking in is far more affordable!

Happy Birthday, Om!

Jean B.