On Apr 4, 2:16*pm, Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> *notbob > wrote:
> > On 2009-04-04, Omelet > wrote:
> > > How do you prepare them and do they come out tender?
> > Cook for 2-3 hours! *No kidding. *This is a given for soul food cooks.
> > Anything less and it's like chewing old rags. * Dang! *I was looking for a
> > recipe and came across... me! *I'm immortalized! *
> <laughs>
> >http://tinyurl.com/cefg7h
> > I looked for the orginal interview (NPR?), but found only this:
> > "This is how we do it in Laurel, Mississippi. You have to examine each leaf
> > personally, after you've washed it. You must take the yellow part out, and
> > you must tear every bit of green leaf off the stalk, in pieces as big as
> > postage stamps. It takes time, but this is how you have to do it. There are
> > as many different ways to cook greens as there are to sing soprano roles."
> > nb
> Hm. Maybe I should just try the canned some time. <g>
Greens do not can well. I adore frozen spinach, cooked, but canned
spinach is repulsive.
> --
> Peace! Om