Basil recipes
In article >,
"Giusi" > wrote:
> > I've got rather a lot of basil and I'd like to use it up. Don't say "make
> > pesto" :-)
> Don't make pesto. However, if someone has made pesto and has some around,
> my latest use for it is delicious. Using the handle of a wooden spoon to
> loosen the skin of a chicken, getting all around the thinghs and breast.
> Using a spoon, shove a lot of pesto in there, then massage the chicken well
> to distribute it. You may want to salt the cavity. Truss the bird.
> Either rotisserie the bird or roast standing up and the product will have a
> crisp skin and very perfumed meat.
OMG that sounds good! I have shoved herbs under chicken skin prior to
roasting, but never thought of using Pesto for that concept!
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.