Casual Carolina Menu
On Sat, 4 Apr 2009 21:32:48 -0700, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> elaich wrote:
>>> I was under the impression that coastal NC and piedmont NC
>>> have somewhat different styles of barbecue anyway (with Lexington
>>> being the epitome of the piedmont style).
>> The main difference is in the sauce. Down east, they like a sauce with
>> more hotness. The Lexington style sauce likes a balance between sweet/sour
>> without much heat. Otherwise, the pork is cooked exactly the same way.
> I'm with you on the pork, but the classic eastern NC barbecue sauce doesn't
> have ketchup, does it? In my personal travels and in my reading, it was just
> vinegar and hot pepper flakes.
> Bob
that's my impression as well. i can't find anywhere around d.c. that
serves it that way.
your pal,