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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Posts: 7,545
Default Dinner's going to be late tonight...

In article >,
Kajikit > wrote:

> >"Kajikit" > wrote in message
> .. .
> >>I decided to make pizza, and I bought a bag of dough from Publix. I
> >> cooked up some ground meat and onions to top it and then I took the
> >> bag out of the fridge to assemble it... and what do the instructions
> >> assumed that it would be all ready to go.

Well, I guess you know for next time! I would have just nuked it. Very
low heat, just to help it get to room temperature.

> The pizza was okay... the dough was very uncooperatively shrinksome
> though. I figured it would make two pizzas and I really had to fight
> with it to get it to stay the right size. It would have worked better
> as just one, but then it wouldn't have been a nice thin crust. The
> pizza cooked MUCH faster than they said it would and when I checked on
> it in the suggested minimum 20 minutes it was alre

Making pizza is a real art. With a thin crust and not many toppings, it
doesn't take long, but a thicker crust and lots of toppings, and
sometimes it never really gets done in the middle.

> BTW this is Publix fresh pizza dough - they sell
> it in the refrigerator in the bread section. I've never seen a frozen
> pizza dough.

I've never bought refrigerated dough. I just buy frozen bread dough.
And yes, I nuke it to defrost. Works fine for me.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA