Question about lemons
"PickyJaz" > wrote in message
>I have an bearing abundant lemon tree that is not of the very sweet
> Meyer sort. I will be making go-alongs to take to family Easter
> dinner and I wanted to plan for a multi-fruit salad sort of dish, Is
> there a brining method by which I may soak to sweeten lemon segments
> so as to include them? Perhaps I could peel, slice and fry them in a
> brown sugar glaze before cooling to include them? Any sweetening
> advice or other ideas for for using just the lemons, or including them
> in a fresh fruit asortment?
> In appreciation, Picky
Squeeze them all over the other fruit to keep it from browning, before you
make the salad. I recommend using a yogurt, honey, and lemon juice dressing
on orange segments (mandarin are best) white seedless grapes, bananas and
apples. Maybe some chopped nuts as a garnish.
Cut up the fruit, squeeze the lemons all over it, mix the yogurt, honey and
lemon to taste and mix it all up. I have made this for years and people
always like it more than I expect. You may add other fruits, of course.
Blueberries and canteloupe add nice flavors and colors.