"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "sf" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sun, 05 Apr 2009 08:59:50 -0500, Andy > wrote:
>>>Rotisserie has nothing to do with BBQ or grilling!
>> I'd like to know how the OP was supposed to describe his heat source
>> in a nutshell. What is it? Would I know what he was talking about?
>> Gas bbq conjured up a perfect image for me. I knew what he meant.
> It does for most people. The bbq purist though, will tell you that real
> bbq is slow cooked meat over a wood or wood burned to coals heat source.
> If you go to North Carolina and ask for a barbecue sandwich, you are going
> to get pulled pork, in Texas you will get brisket. In New England you'll
> get a piece of chicken that flared up with Kraft barbecue sauce on it
> cooked on a gas grill.
I don't know what they call bbq in your neighborhood but in my New England
hood the homeies call this bbq, for a very small group, the real deal is
done in a hole in the ground, over which they rotisserie a 300 pound hog,
and I've seen a lotta sauce called cervesa, sangria, and tequilla but not a
drop of Kraft bbq sauce: