blake murphy wrote:
> On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 11:50:04 -0700, Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
>>Fred/Libby Barclay wrote:
>>>I received my Consumer Reports magazine yesterday, and it's all about
>>>grocery shopping and how to save.
>>>They surveyed 32,599 people and the rankings are based on service,
>>>perishables (quality of meat and produce), price and cleanliness.
>>>They have 59 stores listed, with the highest overall score being 87 out
>>>of 100, and the lowest being 64.
>>>The top ten~
>>>1. Wegmans
>>>2. Trader Joe's
>>For some reason i have started to get Trader Joe's catalogues in the
>>mail, up until that happened i was curious about the stores that so many
>>people here find fascinating.
>>Having seen the catalogue im no longer interested. Im pretentious
>>enough on my own, i don't need a grocery store to provide me with a
>>patina of sophistication at inflated prices
> how odd. i find their flyers surprisingly down-to-earth. you gotta admit
> they're a little different.
> your pal,
> blake
I can see how some people would consider it charming, quaint etc. but it
doesn't appeal to me.
There's such a plethora of "mom & pop" type independent food merchants
in my neighborhood i cant recall the last time i had to go out of the
neighborhood for a food purchase.
I have convinced the elderly relative there is no need to get the cheap
turkeys during the winter holidays, her frugal nature in the past made
them almost impossible for her to pass up, but now days i buy a 10 pound
or so capon at a local butcher so no need to make a trip to 'safeway'.
And since her Dr.'s put her on a low salt & low sugar diet i don't buy
any packaged or processed foods anymore.
Last time i fixed her favorite 'stove top stuffing' for her it sent her
to the hospital

way too much salt.
Im about to start jam making in an attempt to make her jam with less
sugar than the commercial products.
Fortunately i found a peanut butter with no salt or sugar. I can make
my own peanut butter but its tedious and im a bit concerned about
wearing out my food processor to do so.
Basically the TJ's, WHole Foods, Andronico's type 'upscale' markets
don't appeal to me for a variety of reasons.
There's a big 'supermarket' out in the far east bay in an affluent
suburb that has wall to wall carpeting, 'gold' plated (colored) shopping
carts with calculators & scanners built in and the time i was there a
small 'chamber orchestra' sort of group of tuxedo clad musicians on a
stage playing classical music. Everything there exorbitantly priced as
you might expect, even valet parking if you desire it.