KL hawker food
In KL for a few days, before we head off to Penang. Just had some
hawker food at Pavilion Mall.... *huge* brunch...... fresh made
popias, chicken satays, nasi goreng (very spicy!!), Vietnamese spring
rolls, and 4 glasses of fresh juice (Orange, pineapple, mango and
sugar cane with lemon).... all for AUD$13.
The afternoon downpour just started, so it's into the aircon for a bit
till it stops in about 25mins.
The aftermath from the Sepang GP was funny to watch......... all these
little asian drivers thinking they were in F1 cars heading back to KL
on the highway!! Thank christ thwey have toll booths every couple of
K's...... it slows 'em down!!
Ciao from KLCC.