Pork 'picnic' roast?
On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 15:01:22 -0400, Kajikit >
>I seem to remember somebody posting about a lovely slow-cooked pork
>picnic roast they made awhile ago? I just got a small picnic roast at
>Publix (on sale for just over a dollar a pound and the piece I bought
>is three pounds) and I'm not sure how to cook it for the most
>delicious results. Any pointers?
I cooked the picnic roast in the oven this afternoon. I put it into a
square pyrex casserole dish with a lid and added a mixture of spicy
mustard, honey, brown sugar, vinegar and seasonings, plus a cup of
water. Then I let it stew at 300F for two hours and turned it over,
then I turned it again in another 90 minutes, and lastly an hour after
that. At which point it was entirely done and starting to fall apart,
so I shredded the meat with two forks and put it back into the oven to
stay warm until we wanted to eat it. The sauce didn't have nearly as
much flavour as I'd like, so I added Sonnys bbq sauce at this point.
For the doubters and naysayers, the total cooking time for a 3-1/2lb
picnic roast was five hours at 300F, and it was as tender as you'd
wish. It wasn't ridiculously bony either - I'd estimate that it had
1lb of bone/fat/waste, and over 2lbs of meat. At $1 a lb, I think
that's pretty good value!