Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
Andy wrote:
> Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
> Who shops using grocery delivery?
> I saw a grocery delivery truck pull into my neighbor's driveway a
> couple weeks ago.
> I'm good at on-line shopping my ACME supermarket for ideas. Also have
> a few other local market "coupon" pages out of curiosity.
> I've never bought food over www but that IS an interesting option.
> I don't think I want an ACME anybody employee picking out my steak.
> You?
It wasn't available in my area when I needed it. It must be a real
help to a lot of people. People who have trouble getting around,
people who don't have a car. I wouldn't be thrilled with people
picking out my produce and meat, either, but if that's how it has
to be, so be it. I think it's great to have it available.
Acme doesn't deliver in my area, last I heard. Stop & Shop does.