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Becca Becca is offline
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Default Let's Talk About Picky Eaters Again <G>

George Shirley wrote:
> Maybe she has hidden attributes other than just being bitchy. My
> youngest child decided at age eight that he was going to be a picky
> eater. "I don't like that, I can't eat that, That's nasty." Just some
> of his comments. After being told he could eat what was on the table
> or go hungry he changed his mind. He's 45 yo now and will eat about
> anything, including snake, rabbit, whatever. You just gotta get them
> young, at age 63 the woman obviously is set in a rut she will never
> climb out of.

Maybe her parents were bad cooks? I feel bad for him, having to deal
with her limited variety of foods.

If my children did not like something, I would tell them they were too
young and this was "adult food"; when they grow up, they would like it.
My older son will eat anything, the younger will eat almost anything,
but he does not like meat with bones in it. Maybe that was my fault
because I deboned their food. When the younger one was 12, I was
cutting up his waffle, then I stopped myself. Hey, he is 12, he can cut
up his own waffle. lol Oh yeah, he does not like mushrooms, either.
