Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
Puester said...
> Andy wrote:
>> Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
>> Who shops using grocery delivery?
>> I saw a grocery delivery truck pull into my neighbor's driveway a
>> couple weeks ago.
>> I'm good at on-line shopping my ACME supermarket for ideas. Also have a
>> few other local market "coupon" pages out of curiosity.
>> I've never bought food over www but that IS an interesting option.
>> I don't think I want an ACME anybody employee picking out my steak.
>> You?
>> Andy
> Unless everything you buy is canned or boxed, why would you
> let ANYONE pick out what you are buying?
> I go to the store with an incomplete list, looking for
> things that are good value or especially good quality.
> Many times I have gone looking for steak and come home with
> chicken or fish instead because the steak
> in the case and full service meat areas just didn't look
> good. It's the same with vegetables.
> gloria p
gloria p,
Right. I half imagine they'd pick the next to rotten produce and meats.