Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
Paul M. Cook said...
> "Andy" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
>> Who shops using grocery delivery?
>> I saw a grocery delivery truck pull into my neighbor's driveway a
>> couple weeks ago.
>> I'm good at on-line shopping my ACME supermarket for ideas. Also have a
>> few
>> other local market "coupon" pages out of curiosity.
>> I've never bought food over www but that IS an interesting option.
>> I don't think I want an ACME anybody employee picking out my steak.
>> You?
> I need some excuse to gawk at the store chicks. We get some hotties at
> my local Vons. Although I'd not miss the asshole college kids who get
> worse every year. I swear one last night damn near ran me over in the
> parking lot and he didn't even excuse himself. I had to jump out of his
> way to avoid being flattened.
> And I would not pay for delivery because it is so expensive. Food
> prices are high enough as it is.
> Paul
I d risk getting run over, breaking my other leg to shop among the "dressed
to kill" women at Whole Foods. And marry one!
About like inspecting vegetables. Ripe tomatoes, as it were.