Foods you have never purchased in the supermarket
In article >,
"James Silverton" > wrote:
> Christine wrote on Mon, 06 Apr 2009 13:08:17 -0600:
> >> "sf" wrote
> >>
> >>> rite of passage (like Shake & Bake). I had never bought
> >>> pre-peeled garlic in a bag until my kids brought it over to
> >>> cook with. It's convenient.
> >>
> >> LOL, I used to get that all the time at Tonoo Market
> >> (Sasebo). Elderly Mama-sans would sit out in the warm sun
> >> and peel them while tending shop. For 10 yen, you'd get 10
> >> peeled pieces. (10 yen is about 9 cents USD).
> >>
> > I get peeled garlic all the time. I usually get a half pound
> > bag for little over $1, at the local Asian market.
> Honestly, how much trouble is it to cut off the top and bottom of a
> clove and then squash it with the same heavy knife?
Why not save a bit of time if it's inexpensive at the asian market?
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.