Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Mon 06 Apr 2009 11:42:48a, James Silverton told us...
>>> So *you're* the one whose been prodding those melons! :-)
>> LOL, but what's your advice on melon selection? Mine is not completely
>> infallible but the melon should give slightly if pushed at the stem end.
>> I've seen people shaking them and listening to the sound made when
>> tapping with knuckles but those don't give *me* any useful information.
> I must admit to pressing on them slightly, but I also smell the stem end.
> With many melons there should be a significant melon smell if they're ripe.
And color--cantaloupes should be yellow or gold under the
"netting", no green.
Melons with a smooth skin should be creamy white or pale
yellow, no green tinge.
gloria p