Foods you have never purchased in the supermarket
Kajikit wrote:
> I'll buy almost anything - ONCE! lol Most 'convenience' foods turn out
> to be barely edible at best, and once is enough to persuade me that
> they will never darken my door again. I also have canned/packaged
> prepared foods in our Emergency Supply, most of which never actually
> gets eaten - when it gets too close to expiring I look at it, think 'I
> wouldn't want to eat this stuff unless I was starving' and give it
> away to someone who will.
> But there is one foodstuff that I would not buy even if you held a gun
> to my head, and that is the abomination known as coolwhip! I don't
> even like REAL cream, so I'm certainly not eating hydrogenated whale
> blubber or whatever the heck fats they put in it..
Ewwwww. Coolwhip. My mother used that. Ugh.
Jean B.