Puester wrote:
> Andy wrote:
> > Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
> >
> > Who shops using grocery delivery?
> >
> > I saw a grocery delivery truck pull into my neighbor's driveway a couple
> > weeks ago.
> >
> > I'm good at on-line shopping my ACME supermarket for ideas. Also have a
> > other local market "coupon" pages out of curiosity.
> >
> > I've never bought food over www but that IS an interesting option.
> >
> > I don't think I want an ACME anybody employee picking out my steak.
> >
> > You?
> >
> > Andy
> Unless everything you buy is canned or boxed, why would you
> let ANYONE pick out what you are buying?
> I go to the store with an incomplete list, looking for
> things that are good value or especially good quality.
> Many times I have gone looking for steak and come home with
> chicken or fish instead because the steak
> in the case and full service meat areas just didn't look
> good. It's the same with vegetables.
I've used the Peapod online grocery delivery service here in Chicawgo a few
times and you can indicate the degree of ripeness of, say, bananas, or
whatever. They have a money - back and no questions asked guarantee, if you
are not happy with any item they'll replace it or give you a credit for your
next order. Their staff is trained to choose the best items for your order
per your request, I've been perfectly happy with the meat and produce I've
ordered through them:
"The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other
people's money."~~~~Margaret Thatcher