Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
Nancy Young wrote:
> Andy wrote:
> > Grocery Shopping Via Home Delivery?
> >
> > Who shops using grocery delivery?
> >
> > I saw a grocery delivery truck pull into my neighbor's driveway a
> > couple weeks ago.
> >
> > I'm good at on-line shopping my ACME supermarket for ideas. Also have
> > a few other local market "coupon" pages out of curiosity.
> >
> > I've never bought food over www but that IS an interesting option.
> >
> > I don't think I want an ACME anybody employee picking out my steak.
> >
> > You?
> It wasn't available in my area when I needed it. It must be a real
> help to a lot of people. People who have trouble getting around,
> people who don't have a car. I wouldn't be thrilled with people
> picking out my produce and meat, either, but if that's how it has
> to be, so be it. I think it's great to have it available.
It can be a boon for those of us who are car-less. There are times when I'm
real tired of dragging around heavy bulk items even in my shopping cart and
I've also used it when I've been ill (gout!) or when the weather has been
extremely inclement...
I know a coupla peeps who live on the third floors of their respective
buildings and they use it to avoid having to lug stuff up those stairs,
Peapod delivers it right up to yer kitchen...
Some of my pals also do a lot of cook-outs and such in the summer and they
order most all the stuff from Peapod. It's great to have cases of beer,
numerous bottles of liquor, mixers, party supplies, food, etc. taken care of
all in one fell swoop. These folks have big SUV's, belong to Costco, etc.,
but they are very busy and it's handy to have the stuff delivered, cuts out
a lot of stress and running around....
It's also great if you have pets, no more dragging around of kitty litter,
big bags of dog food, etc.
"The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other
people's money."~~~~Margaret Thatcher